I'm just ghoulin. New boot ghoulin.
Howdy, I'm Ghoul! I'm a weird little transfag punk who likes drawing sup-par gay people and writing sub-par code. This site is under construction, but eventually it'll be host to my art and info for my comics! I'm slowly but surely getting it there--in the meantime, feel free to look around and make yourself at home!
- Working on my comic lore pages. big stuff coming soon hopefully :3
- Chatbox rights revoked because people kept calling me trans slurs. Whoopsies!!
- Replaced it with my art blog because that's cooler anyways :3
- Also removed the yesterlink webring because it's been discontinued (RIP)
- Updated my age! I'm 21 now teehee
- Added MP100 to my interests because i. went through it this past month.
- Apologies for updating things so slowly I've been totally shwamped with commission work lately
- Edited navigation bar; new names!!!
- Nothing else yet but I'm working on the about page...it is so close to being done i promise
- Added yesterweb ring link!!
- Updated playlist (Scotland by McCafferty > 64 Little White Things by Cake Bake Betty)
- Added steam profile lolz
- Rearranged gallery: Moved art blog there, cleaned up commission info, and added an artfight section!
- Added a link to my artist discord server
- Added webrings
- Rearranged home page: got rid of webcam and blinkies, changed social links, and added a chatbox!
- Misc cleanup to make margins neater
- Figured out tooltips! Now the navigation is cooler (in my opinion anyways...hehe)
- Added a changelog!
- Set up the gallery tab
- Changed and removed the footer and header respectively
- Struggled to figure out how to make the flames show up below the changelog but then gave up. They perish
- Cleaned up the blog box
- Removed the guestbook
- Added a blinkie box
- Changed the webcam >:]
- Changed main font