Was this inspired by X-Men/BNHA/etc?
No, it has nothing to do with other superhero school stories, actually. If you must know, its origins are from a self-insert Ninjago AU I wrote in seventh grade, where the characters were in the future and had gained powers after a nuclear war. The idea of the powers was mostly derived from the ninja elements in the show, and the nuclear mutation thing was kinda shoehorned in for a convenient explanation. So yeah. Ninjago. Sorry.
Is the kinetic gene a mutation/how long has it been around?
It’s technically a mutation, but has existed for at least as long as recorded history, and is really a ‘normal’ recessive gene that’s pretty much always been there in the same sense that blue eyes are. There was originally a far smaller pool of kineses that slowly mutated into more variety, but kinetics as a base have existed as long as humans in this world.
Can someone be born with more than one kinesis?
Naturally, no. Genetic experimentation or manipulation via other kineses makes one person having multiple kineses plausible, though.
Can a kinesis do / cause a character to have XYZ?
The answer to most variations of this question is going to be yes! Kineses are wildly varied
I thought of a kinesis that isn't on the masterlist. Could that still exist?
Does the type of kinesis run in the family?
No, a person’s kinesis has nothing to do with their parents, grandparents, and so on. Sometimes repeat kineses will appear in a family line, but there’s no evidence that it has anything to do with genetics as opposed to random chance. Alternatively, multiples (twins, triplets, etc) are more likely to have correlating kineses, such as smoke and dust or life and death, and multiples with the same kinesis are very rare but not unheard of. This makes a lot of sense for identical siblings, but why it seems similarly common in fraternal siblings is less understood and by some is considered a fluke (sort of a “if you actively look for a connection between siblings’ kineses you’ll probably find one” mentality).
Hey, Henry? Where’s the actual comic, Henry? Henry you keep mentioning a comic